Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto, que padeceo a corte de Lisboa, no primeiro de novembro de 1755. Pelo padre Gabriel Malagrida da Companhia de Jesus, Missionario Apostolico. — Lisboa: Na Officina de Manoel Soares. M.DCC.LVI. Com todas as licenças necessarias.
Very famous pamphlet by Father Gabriel Malagrida (1689–1761), published in Lisbon in 1756, condemned to be burned in 1772 by the Real Meza Censoria, 11 years (1761) after the execution of its author (strangled and then burned), who was judged heretical by the Inquisition tribunal. In this text, he asserts, against all materialist interpretations (e.g., that of Pedegache), that the earthquake that shook Lisbon in November 1755 was a divine punishment for the spiritual laxity of the Portuguese people and their Court.
EDITAL DA REAL MEZA CENSORIA … Meu Tribunal da Real Meza Censoria foi denunciado o Papel, que tem por titulo: Juizo da verdadeira causa do Terremoto, que padeceo a Corte de Lisboa no primeiro de Novembro de 1755; Author Gabriel Malagrida. E procedendo-se ao exame de sobredito Papel com a circumspecção, que merecia por seu assumpto; e havidas sobre elle repetidas Sessões, se assentou com unanime consenso: Que a sobredita Obra esta concebida em hum espirito infame, fanatico, malicioso, temerario, e heretico … BISPO P. … Executou-se a pena do fogo, a que foi condemnado o livro… Lisboa, 8 de Maio de 1772.
Judgment rendered by the “Real Meza Censoria”, the royal censorship tribunal, on April 30, 1772, against G. Malagrida’s Juizo… (1756). The text is accused of heresy for transgressing the doctrine of the unfathomability of the divine will. Malagrida is accused of deceiving the people and exploiting their ignorance to strengthen his own temporal power and that of the Society of Jesus.
The text is condemned to be burned on the Praça do Comércio (Lisbon) and it is ordered that all copies be handed over to the secretariat of the Real Meza Censoria tribunal.
Drafted by the deputy and secretary of the tribunal, Francisco de Atouguia de Bentencourt; signed Bispo P.
Sentence carried out on May 8, 1772, in front of Doutor Luiz Coelho Ferreira do Valle e Faria, Juiz do Crime do Bairro de Santa Catarina. Signé Luiz Coelho Ferreira do Valle e Faria and Bernardino Gomes de Leiros.