Premier établissement des israélites à Timbouktou, by Auguste Baumier, Consul of France at Mogador ; including the relation of the trip of Mardochée Aby Serour (Mordokhai-Abi-Serour, 1830-1886, from Aqqa) written by himself, through the Sahara to Timbuktu, and of the establishment of a jewish community there, translated by A. Baumier, with a portrait of the Rabbi Mardochée and a sketch “pour l’intelligence de son voyage” (map).
In. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie (Paris), 5th series, vol. 19, year 1870, January-June, pp. 345-370 (digitalized by the BNF-Gallica).
Followed by Un rabbin voyageur marocain, by Y.-D. Sémach, in. Hesperis (periodical), vol. 8, 1st trimester, year 1928, pp.385-399 (digitalized by the Bib. Nat. du Maroc).
(1870) Beaumier : Mardochée – Premier établissement des israélites à Timbouktou (Pdf)
(1928) Sémach – Un rabbin voyageur marocain (Pdf)