Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto, que padeceo a corte de Lisboa, no primeiro de novembro de 1755. Pelo padre Gabriel Malagrida da Companhia de Jesus, Missionario Apostolico. — Lisboa: Na Officina de Manoel Soares. M.DCC.LVI. Com todas as licenças necessarias.
Description: 31 p. + {4}; text followed by the licences do Santo Officio, do Ordinario and do Paço; digitalized by the Éditions Ismael (uploaded on the Internet Archive).
The famous opuscule published in Lisbon by the jesuit father Gabriel Malagrida (1689-1761) in 1756, condemned to the fire in 1772 by the Real Meza Censoria, 11 years (1761) after the execution of it’s author (strangled then burnt) pronounced heretic by the Inquisition tribunal. In this work, against the general materialist interpretation (cf. the text of Pedegache), he points the 1755 Lisbon’s earthquake as a divine punishment for the spiritual negligence of the Portuguese people and its Court.
(1756) Gabriel Malagrida – Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto (pdf).
EDITAL DA REAL MEZA CENSORIA … Meu Tribunal da Real Meza Censoria foi denunciado o Papel, que tem por titulo: Juizo da verdadeira causa do Terremoto, que padeceo a Corte de Lisboa no primeiro de Novembro de 1755; Author Gabriel Malagrida. E procedendo-se ao exame de sobredito Papel com a circumspecção, que merecia por seu assumpto; e havidas sobre elle repetidas Sessões, se assentou com unanime consenso: Que a sobredita Obra esta concebida em hum espirito infame, fanatico, malicioso, temerario, e heretico … BISPO P. … Executou-se a pena do fogo, a que foi condemnado o livro… Lisboa, 8 de Maio de 1772.
Description: 3 pages; digitalized by the Éditions Ismael (uploaded on the Internet Archive).
Judgement rendered by the royal court of justice for censorship, the Real Meza Censoria, on the 30th of April 1772, against Jesuit father Gabriel Malagrida’s Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto… (1756). It caracterizes the work as heretic, transgressing the dogma of the impenetrability of God’s will, by attributing Him the design to chastise Lisbon through the November 1755 earthquake. It accuses Malagrida of deceiving the people, getting advantage of it’s ignorance to reinforce his own and the Society of Jesus’ temporal power.
It condemns the opuscule to be burnt on the Praça do Commercio (Lisbon) and orders all the copies to be given to the Real Meza Censoria‘s secretary.
Sent to be written by the tribunal’s deputy and secretary Francisco de Atouguia de Bentencourt; signed Bispo P.
Sentence executed on the 8th of May 1772, in front of the Doutor Luiz Coelho Ferreira do Valle e Faria, Juiz do Crime do Bairro de Santa Catarina. Signed Luiz Coelho Ferreira do Valle e Faria et Bernardino Gomes de Leiros.
(1772) Edital da Real Meza Censoria – Condenação do Juizo ao fogo (pdf)